4-H District Horse Show had its high points and low points. We qualified for districts in two classes working hunter over fences and working hunter under saddle. I had the choice at round-up to show equitation on the flat and hunter hack or equitation over fences and the working hunter at three foot. I chose to compete in the more difficult classes. I just started riding Rosie two days prior to round-up last summer. She had been sold, but it did not work out. While away from the farm she was over faced when jumping. As a result, she came home underweight, very nervous and with a mean stop at the jumps. We have spent the last year working putting weight back on her and reschooling her. She is doing great, but I am just learning the horse stride. Rosie does not have a big stride, so I have to land and flow, than settle to jump out of the line. Needless to say, we had a refusal at district at the first fence of the working hunter class. It did not help that there was a large pile of construction materials that was spooking most of the horses including Rosie, but Rosie had a stop none the less. We did come back and win our under saddle class. I was disappointed that things did not go well in my over fences class, but Rosie schooled amazing. I was really proud of myself for entering the more difficult classes. My mother says you often times learn more from your failures than your successes. I love Rosie so much ……..and we just keep getting better and better!