The day after Night of Amazing Horses, we did a sensory clinic with Karen. When we travel to a shows, we never know what else will be going on …..strollers, loud music, smoke, balloons, umbrellas, anything goes. When I was performing in Chicago, our warm-up area was about 200 feet from a railroad track with frequent trains. Unfortunately, Toby was not very happy about the trains. On the opening night, the train came right before we had to go in the ring. I had a challenge riding that night. Toby was really excited, but we did well! At the sensory training, we try to expose the horses to everything we can think of……fire, blowers, tarps, bridges, flares. The hope is they will become acclimated to all of these things and not be scared when they have to perform. It was a great clinic.

Thank You Karen!
