I had a tough decision to make for round-up…..should I ride the easier classes and increase my odds of qualifying for state in more classes or do I challenge myself. Well I am an Equine Extremist……I decided to go for the challenge. My mom says you learn more when you put yourself outside your comfort zone. I decided to ride the equitation and working hunter over fences at 3 foot. We won the hunter class, but did not qualify in the equitation class. We also won our working hunter under saddle class……so we will be competing in two classes at districts. It is hard to believe, that I just started riding Rosie two days prior to round-up last summer. She had been sold, but it did not work out. While away from the farm she was over faced when jumping. As a result, she came home underweight, very nervous and with a mean stop at the jumps. We have spent the last year working putting weight back on her and reschooling her. She is doing great, but I am just learning the horse stride. Rosie does not have a big stride, so I have to land and flow, than settle to jump out of the line. I had hoped to qualify for the equitation and hunter over fences class. I was really proud of myself for entering the more difficult classes. I love Rosie so much ……..She has come so far over the course of the year!