International Huner Futurity: Lizzy Traband pilots three young hunters to high point honors at IHF at National Finals and receives Youngest IHF rider award
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Stella Cadente was a rock star! She won the $7,500 M&S/Tuff Rider-Equine Couture Children's Jumper Classic! So proud of her! Definitely earned her sweet pickles today. Thank you Paula Frohring and Kaleiscope Farm. She's an incredible horse with so [...]
We took three horses this weekend to Swan Lake. Five year old Jenga jumped around the low jumpers like a champ. The Big Boy was wonderful, as he rode to a third place finish in the Junior Jumper Classic under [...]
Sept 10-14 This was one of the saddest times of my life. My trainer and life long friend, Elizabeth Solters, passed away. She had been battling cancer for the past two years. The hole it has left in mine and [...]
Sept 4-7 Thank you Joe Fargis for all you've done to help me with my riding. Elizabeh said you were the one to go to and she was so right. It has been challenging working with my new arm and [...]
Olive O does it again! For the third year in a row Olive O did it again. She swept the Children's Hunter Classic at Warrenton's Labor Day Show. Thank you to the Steffan family, especially Chey, for giving me the [...]
I was so proud of Haldn (Ezio) at the International Hunter Futurity. His dam, SchoenPrincess is a full sister to Schoenrsa, my bridleless exhibition mount at 2010 WEG. I currently have three offspring by SchoenPrincess, that I own and have [...]
After being away for the entire winter and spring, our clients decided it was time to go to a show close to home. All of our farm clients ...Megan Perdew, Taylor Shearers and Heather Spagnlio were champion or reserve in [...]
One week after the Gladstone Team Selection trials, upon the reccomendation of a top US Dressage rider, I rode the FEI junior rider test to get a score on these tests on record. Ucari and I rode a flawless test [...]
Yes, we accomplished what we set out to do in California, Ucari and I qualified for the USET Team Selection Trials for the team to represent the U.S. at the World Equestrian Games in France! Thank you Ucari for being [...]
Hey, when I used to ride in Night of Amazing Horses, we had a saying "Go Big or Go Home!" Although it was a bit ambitious, I made my Dressage debut in an international competition in Wellington, FL. With much [...]
It was not planned that I would be showing Olive O this year at WEF, but circumstances resulted in me picking up the ride in the Children's Hunter the WCHR week of WEF. With each round she just got better [...]
Thank you Maribet Farm for giving me the opportunity to ride Glory.
A huge thank you to Helene Bergstrom for not only letting me ride her dressage horse, Ucari, but for all of her incredible coaching. I learned so much from you! Thank you for believing in me.